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Feeling is Magical, Not Weak.

Hey beautiful people. I'm starting to feel like I always start my posts with "It's been a while.." these days. The truth is I've turned into the kind of blogger that only wants to write when I feel like I have something really passionate and important to say. I want to make sure that what I'm sharing with you is genuine and helpful.

Aside from that, please know that you can always DM me, comment, or email me if you need to talk. I'm always, always here.

Today my heart is heavy. Like I woke up this morning with a knot in my chest because I am frustrated with myself and I want you to know that it is okay to feel that way sometimes.

First things first, just because there are people in this world who don't validate and acknowledge the way that you feel doesn't mean that you run away from or turn a blind eye to your own feelings. It doesn't mean that your feelings don't matter and and you should never give anyone the power to invalidate your ability to process the things that happen to you.

All experiences, big and small, matter and they shape you and make you the person that you are.

You are you because of your heart and souls ability to process every little thing that has ever happened to you.

If you are the kind of person who feels intensely about any and everything this part is specifically for you.

For a long time I believed that being an emotional, heart felt, and intense person meant that somehow I was a lot, too much, difficult to love ,and my least favorite, crazy.

I'm going to be honest with you, I'm so so so irritated that I let that make me feel like I wasn't good enough. It wasn't until I got to college that I met people who made me feel like my heart was the source of my magic and not my downfall. And I'm so grateful for that because today I woke up and decided I wouldn't let anyone make me feel that way anymore.

I don't know if you all experience this but for me, social media, "social norms", and twitter's trash relationship advice stress me out and further this narrative of telling you how to be and who to be.

It's an odd feeling to be told that by being "too much" you are somehow not enough.

That is so dumb. It makes no sense.

I know we like to screenshot little posts we think are dropping "gems." But I need you to be selective about the amount of "advice" you are allowing into you mind and into you heart.

You have to know when to say "Screw your advice, I love who I am and that is enough."

When we allow people to make us feel less than, we're basically handing them the pen and letting them rewrite the role we play in our own storybook.

That is not okay.

This summer I met an amazing soul by the name of Geordan. Yesterday she told me that any person that makes you feel crazy for feeling too intensely doesn't need to be in your space.

She went on to basically say to feel is to be human. I LOVE that.

You are important. What you feel is important. What you think is important.

Who you are...... is important.

I wanted to save the last part of this post for my people struggling with anxiety but I decided like 3 sentences ago that I'm going to save that for a separate post.

I'm not sure if what I just broke down to you makes sense and I'm not sure if you even struggle with these same things.

I wrote this in hopes that one day down the road, when the world tries to tell you your'e shining "too bright" and feeling "too much," you decide to shine and feel anyway.

You got this. I believe in you. Let me know if you need anything and as always--Stay strong !

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